The CURIOOKids Malaysia Blog


Written by Admin | Dec 1, 2022 8:20:10 AM

The Six Learning and Developmental Areas at CURIOO

By Paul Blackstone 

The aim the CURIOO learning methodology is to develop our student’s behavioural and practical skills. Early Childhood and Primary School education is the most important period in life for the foundational development of the whole person – intelligence, social skills, social-emotional, behavioural and academic.

To achieve this, we prepare students by progressing their competencies in the following 6 learning areas:

1.     Language & Communication

2.     Entrepreneurial Mindset

3.     Digital Technologies

4.     Behaviour and Self Awareness

5.     Art and Design

6.     Physical Fitness and Mental Health

We support Parents, and complement the local education system, by enabling our students to understand what makes them unique and to develop strong competencies in intelligence, physical and mental strength, social skills, confidence, collaboration, leadership, creativity, determination, logical thinking, so that she/he is prepared for academic life at school, is capable of life-long learning, critical and exploratory thinking, innovating and adapting to the rapid changes taking place today in our society

CURIOO Learning Objectives and Principles

All domains of the CURIOO learning framework interact and are inter-dependent with each other. In particular, there is a crucial link between behavioural development and all other learning areas, as the foundation of all ethical, intelligent and successful people is based on their behaviour.

Children use their learnt behaviours in everyday life, at school and during play activities. Behaviour plays an important role in self-confidence, initiative, resilience, curiosity and determination, the key attributes in academic and life success. Developing behavioural strengths is a key to full participation in life.

The following learning objectives and principles of teaching explain the key attributes of the CURIOO learning framework: 

Language and Communication

Children are born with innate powers of communication. Before they acquire language skills, they use body language or facial expressions to communicate with parents. The Primary School years is the golden period for language learning. There is a close relationship between the development of language ability and thinking. Children can learn and think effectively if they are proficient in language communication. 

Therefore, our language curriculum aims to create a language-rich learning environment, in which students can develop their language proficiency through exploration and interpersonal interaction. Teachers provide students with integrated language learning experience based on their language ability and developmental needs. Students practise the four language skills -listening, speaking, reading and writing. In doing so, our students can be guided to use the spoken and written English language appropriately. 

Learning Objectives: Students are enabled to - 

1.     cultivate the student’s interest in English and motivate them to learn by using authentic materials to create a language-rich and interesting environment

2.     develop the ability to listen and speak basic conversions in everyday life

3.     build confidence in using the language acquired

4.     Provide students with opportunities to listen to and speak in English through conversations, projects, activities and events

5.     Language activities have to meet children’s developmental needs. Any teaching approach that is overly bound by chosen texts or strenuous written exercises is avoided. Rote-learning or dictation is not adopted. 

Entrepreneurial Mindset

An entrepreneurial mindset is the development of a way of thinking that enables our students to overcome challenges, to be decisive and to accept responsibility for all outcomes of their actions and decision. It encourages our students to constantly improve their practical and behavioural skills, learn from mistakes, to be creative and come up with ideas and take continuous action on their ideas.

A critical life skills for this generation of students with skills that are applied to all areas of their life, through regular practice of the design thinking process, they become better acquainted with the concepts they see all around them in their everyday life experiences and are able to apply their learning very quickly to real-world challenges and opportunities. Through a variety of activities such as hands-on experiment and play, they are also able to grasp basic mathematical concepts. These activities and experiences are essential for students to develop their interest, positive attitude, necessary communication skills and thinking abilities for learning entrepreneurial concepts. 

Learning Objectives: students are enabled to - 

1.     gain the ability to look at a problem or situation, review all available data (at that point in time), and make a confident decision to move forward (or not)

2.     learn to act with confidence

3.     taking responsibility for their actions and outcomes

4.     learn to deal with making mistakes and failing

5.     apply mathematical concepts such as counting, ordering, sequencing, sorting, comparing, etc. to their learning

6.     The activities are highly dynamic and engaging and match student’s interests

Digital Technologies

Learning Digital Technologies at CURIOO focuses on developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as categorising and outlining procedures; and developing an increasing awareness of how digital systems are used and could be used at home, in school and the local community. With access to the latest development software, students gradually improve their abilities and have the opportunity to create a range of digital solutions, such as interactive adventures that involve user choice, modelling simplified real world systems and simple guessing games. For the younger students, we work to ensure they clearly understand that technology is a creative and knowledge tool rather than being passive receivers of content through their devices.

Learning Objectives: students are enabled to - 

1.   explore digital systems in terms of their components, and peripheral devices such as digital microscopes, cameras and interactive whiteboards

2.   collect, manipulate and interpret data, developing an understanding of the characteristics of data and their representation

3.   developing practical technology skills

4.   develop their logical thinking capabilities

5.   use the concept of abstraction to define simple problems using techniques such as summarising facts to deduce conclusions

6.   Use appropriate software including visual programming languages that use graphical elements rather than text instructions

Behavioural and Social Development

The behavioural and social-emotional development of our students begins with understanding what makes them unique, their strengths, interests and aptitudes which leads to understanding their own emotions and the formation of their self-image, self-awareness and confidence. 

Through participating in our wide variety of individual, group and community activities, our students gain experiences which enable them to understand the value of individuals, appropriate attitudes towards interpersonal relationships, leadership and other social skills. 

In addition, our students develop incredibly important life skills related to resilience, determination, grit, goal-setting, initiative, collaboration and communication through their interactions with our staged development programs and tracked using our CBAS software. Building a strong foundation in critical behavioural skills enhances the students’ academic performance and their interpersonal and communication skills. Our students develop these skills and their ideas about behavioural gradually, through internalising and consistent practice of the behaviours, habits, thinking and language they encounter. 

Learning Objectives: students are enabled to - 

1.     know about themselves and appreciate their uniqueness, so as to enhance their self-concept

2.     build up self-confidence and a sense of responsibility

3.     understand and express their own needs and feelings

4.     develop communication and interaction abilities and enjoy the pleasure of social life through cultivating proper attitudes towards people and the physical world

5.     understand global cultures and develop national identity through an understanding of the Chinese 

6.     provide learning opportunities to enhance their critical thinking skills, and self-confidence and independence

7.     we encourage our student’s awareness with respect to the environment and appreciation of the cultural and historical features of their community

Art and Design

Art and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. The CURIOO art and design learning program engages, inspires and challenges our students, providing them with the skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and design using a multitude of media including technology.

As students progress through our program, they are able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Through the diversity of arts and design, our student’s cultivate aesthetic sensitivity, imagination, creativity and communication skills. Our students have an enjoyable experience in design appreciation and it provides the platform to develop their interest in design and an attitude of life-long learning. 

Learning Objectives: students are enabled to - 

1.   enhance their expression and powers of communication through imagination and association

2.   express themselves through different media and materials

3.   develop use of technology tools to support digital art and design

4.   appreciate the beauty of nature and works of art

5.   experience different cultures and develop diversified visions of art and design

6.   develop creativity, idea generation, collaboration, feedback, problem-solving

Physical and Mental Health

Physical fitness and mental health are the foundation of healthy growth. Children grow healthily by participating in activities structured in line with their physical and mental developmental needs, and by learning to maintain healthy practices throughout their lifetime. 

Physical activities enable children to experience the capabilities of their body and develop a sense of space. The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

Appropriate learning structures and activities support the development of physical attributes such as gross and fine motor skills and behavioural and life skills, such as resilience, determination, initiative, concentration and observation abilities. Most of all, their self-confidence is enhanced. As such, the learning activities and classroom dynamics that specifically support the practicing, modelling and improvement in these skills plays a critically important role in children’s learning. The subject areas taught at CURIOO, promote our student’s awareness of the importance of physical and mental health and cultivate their determination and will-power and enable them to channel and manage their emotions. 

Learning Objectives: Students are enabled to - 

1.       understand who they are and recognize what they are good at

2.       have a sense of belonging to their family, school and community

3.       develop will-power, confidence, curiosity and courage 

4.       develop a healthy lifestyle by cultivating good habits and awareness 

5.       have the strength and skillsets to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems 

6.       feel hopeful and optimistic

7.       feel trusted, understood, valued and safe